::I Was Born This Way::
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to super awesome. insan yang cemerlang datang nya dari akal hati yang tenang , jiwa yang mantap , ASSALAMUALAIKUM , SALAM SEJAHTERA , SALAM SATU MALAYSIA , SALAM TANGAN IBU BAPA :D


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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Kiko kiko

I am so fucking happy.

I’m so glad that I can honestly say that.

Maybe with some help from it. LOL. But it’s such a great feeling.

Such a relief that most my stress is gone.

Thank you. You’ve helped me a lot. You know who you are.

And Taigatron; Things will work out with time. You believed in me when I lost hope. Stay strong. You’re fucking amazing. You’re damn talented. Your time will come.

i am floating on clouds,

leaping over mountains,

soaring over rivers,

and dancing with the sun.

i am on top of the world,

shining bright

and happy

I find that letting things out make me feel a lot better about the situation.